This is a perfect time to post about North Korean defectors; Search up "North Korean defectors" right now and you'll see why.
A four-kilometer wide border, that stretches from the West coast of the peninsula, to the East. This is the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), that existed in this world for about 70 years. Full of land mines and tens of thousands of soldiers placed at both sides, the DMZ is almost impossible to cross, unlike the Berlin Wall and the East-West separation wall, where thousands escaped every year, some digging the ground, some using a subway, and some using air balloons- which would've all been impossible in Korea. Why there is a border, is a simple question.
After the Second World War, the U.S., G.B.R., France, and the U.S.S.R., agreed to this thing, where the U.S. would control the South part (Below 38 degrees N), and the U.S.S.R. would control the North part (Above 38 degrees N) for three years, as they said that they would control Germany, Italy, and Japan, as well as their former colonies for a few years, because they were "undeveloped", and "did not know how to manage a nation". So the Demilitarized Zone comes in and makes the border.
At the time, anyone could just pass over this border if they had an ID; similar to the Allies' occupation of Germany between 1945 and 1949. And many Koreans were frustrated about this.. in which most of them were South Koreans.
After listening to the Americans' propaganda, the people of the South wanted this 3-year Shintak Tongchi (Shintak Rule, 신탁통치) to be abolished. Listening to the Soviets' propaganda, many North Koreans wanted their nation under a Soviet development and a Communist state, with being under military occupation of the Soviets until 1948. Then you know the rest- the South and North civilians fought, they hated each other then, governments and nations were formed, one side electing Rhee Syngman, the other electing Kim Il Sung.
Then the war. After a few days, North Korea seized every Korean territory excluding Jeju Island and Busan. Then, South Korea seized every Korean territory except for a minimal amount bordering the People's Republic of China- If you saw the "People's" part, you know it's communist, and China, as well as the Soviets, invade, capturing Seoul again. Then the UN gets back Seoul, and from 1951 to 1953, the front line zigzags around. At 1953, a very unstable armistice is signed, and a straight Korean border is gone, however a wide "Demilitarized Zone" is made.
After the Korean War, this border is made. In Red is the military-only zone.
R. Tatiraju/ Wikipedia (CC) |
To prevent population loss, North Korea made a huge fence around its border, with the heavy guard in the South, facing South Korea, the recently strong-growing guards (However there is barbed wire and fencing), and probably the same for Russia. Except that Russia and China's borders have some gates for the military and the high-class.
Many people still attempt to escape through the borders every day, and most of those people do not escape through the heavily-armed South Korean border, but rather the Chinese border. If a North Korean defector gets caught by Chinese police, they are sent back to North Korea, and many gets executed, tortured, or sent to labor camps, where, for three generations, the defectors' family must work without pay.
Those who do not get caught by Chinese police, especially women, gets caught by Chinese citizens involved in drug and sex trafficking, in which some pretend to be brokers who would say that they will send you to the South, then send you back to North Korea, or make you get involved in the human trafficking business.
Some people who are lucky in China goes straight to Mongolia, NOT by plane, as again, China sends every single North Korean defector "home". The poor North Koreans have to walk their way through the Gobi desert, until they reach Mongolia. Mongolia attempts to have good relations with both of the Koreas, however gives mercy to the defectors, with a pleasant meal and a plane ticket to South Korea.
And finally, some people amazingly travel by boat and attempt to land in South Korea. Some actually got to Japan, where some stayed and some people left for South Korea, and some people, before the 80's, were sent back to North Korea.
Only 23,000 people escaped from North Korea, compared to thousands escaping East Germany. 23,000 defectors in the past 60 years seems to be a little cruel. Let's all hope for the reunification of Korea, and some nationalism kick in.
By the way, did you know that 2 South Koreans left to North Korea? These 2 was a famous Korean movie director couple kidnapped by North Korean agents and had to make propaganda movies and copycats of "Godzilla", until they finally escaped during a Swiss film festival.
The DMZ is also the oldest untouched place in the world, making it sanctuary for endangered animals.
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